Tuesday, June 10, 2008

K is for Kefir...

I love this stuff. I started by drinking 2oz. at night before bed just a few weeks ago. I started sleeping better almost immediately. Kefir is PACKED with probiotics to help pump up the "good bacteria" in your intestinal flora. The more the merrier. It is great if you have been on antibiotics (those kill ALL the bacteria), have a sugar addiction, have been on birth control, suffer from stomach problems, have a wooden leg...etc. It is one of those "miracle drinks" that occurs naturally. Move over Tahitian Noni! You can drink the kefir milk (Helios is the good brand--get plain--the other kefir is packed with sugar--buy at Whole Foods or Wild Oats) it has a strong sour flavor. OR get the Young Green Coconut water Kefir. You can make this at your house.

Here are some informative articles...

Elixer in a Hairy Shell
By Dani Katz
(page 1 of 1)
If the name coconut-water kefir doesn’t sound amazing enough on its own to make you want to just dive in and gulp it down, perhaps a little 411 on the topic, will.

Widely reported benefits of a regular coconut-kefir regimen include better digestion, hormonal balancing, enhanced immunity, relief from joint pain, clearer complexion, improved vision, and increased energy levels. Coconut-water kefir is purported to eliminate sugar cravings and cleanse the endocrine system. But none of this compares to the best thing about it—it’s a great cure for a hangover.

For more...

Why Kefir is Essential to shed pounds

To order or learn more go to


Jody said...

Very cool Hil. I'm excited to learn more! I'm always looking for healthier choices. Is this something Rod is doing with you? Just wondering if this is something Wes might not be completely opposed to? My little guy has a dairy allergy too, so since I've had him I'm always looking for alternatives for all of us.

Hilary said...

Rod is kind of doing without choice. He usually eats what I cook, but as for the Kefir and meditation he passes...at least for now... :)

Eden said...

I've heard good things about Kombucha too. What do you know about it?

I love your blog! I too have been searching for better alternatives do to health issues for the past 10 years or so. Whole, organic foods are the way to go - and probiotics are a must.

Seems you are doing well! Congrats on the baby. :)
