Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well that's probably because you are dehydrated...

Most people mistake hunger for fill your body up with diet soda thinking its healthier (arsenic people)...juice (usually PACKED with sugar and carbs) and alcohol that actually dehydrates you and screws with your blood PH levels...

Here are my water tips for the day:

1. You should be drinking your body weight divided in half in ounces everyday (and that's NOT including days that are 102 degrees with 100% humitity or where you got ambitious and decided to sweat it out at the gym).

That means if I weighed 100 lbs (right...) then I would need to drink 50 oz of water each day just to keep me hydrated.

2. You should have 12oz or more before you eat ANYTHING in the morning. This not only jump-starts your metabolism, but when you wake up your body has been starving all night and needs to hydrate.

3. DO NOT drink with meals...Drink 15 minutes before...CHEW A TON (30 times per mouthful)...water with meals dilutes digestive enzymes causing more stress on the gut. If you wait 20 mintues after your meal you will serve your digestive system SO much more.

"Plastic litter is filling up America’s landfills at an alarming rate. Most plastic drinking water bottles are designed for one time use and then thrown away. Every cheap plastic bottle produced uses up precious oil which is non renewable and sends money out of America and into foreign oil producers’ pockets. New Wave addresses this issue by producing only bottles that can be used again and again. Our products include bottles made from Polycarbonate, Stainless Steel and Revolutionary Corn-Based Bottle."

Here's the answer: GET A FILTER AND A 1 liter WATER BOTTLE...make sure it doesn't release toxic gas...(glass, stainless steel, and REALLY HARD PLASTIC is usually okay). Fill it up twice per day. This is where I bought some of mine. They are great because they have a wide-mouth and allow me to add ice, etc to them.


GREAT, I have a perfect solution for you...

1 liter water bottle with filtered water (I love the pink...)
1 small lemon (or lime) cut into fourths and squeezed into the bottle
5-7 Stevia drops (or 1-2 packets of Stevia)
2 slices of cucumber (optional)
sprig of mint (optional)
5-7 PH drops (I use PH MIRACLE DROPS but you can find any trace minerals from the health food store to infuse your water with some neutralizing PH...)
THis tastes like LEMONADE...

**Notice my little herb garden I've got going on in the background... :)
MORE ON STEVIA AND PH Balancing your water to come...


Meredith said...

I've been trying to do #2 on your water tips list for a while now and it does make a big difference!

Callister said...

I'm so excited that you started this blog. I'm always looking for ways to increase my well-being, especially through food and drink, so Kudos to you!

Callister said...

I wanted to mention something I read the other day. As I was throwing away an empty 12 pack carton of Coke at my husband's workplace, I noticed that Coca-Cola had printed a ridiculous paragraph on the side of the carton. It was trying to convince the consumer that Coke could hydrate and refresh the body as well as water does so "drink up!" Crazy!

Heather said...

Seriously, I LOVe this blog! you are amazing! i Love reading things like this! and kudos on promoting stevia and not deadly splenda and other aspertame related crap!

You are a sweetie! thanks so much for your great information!
you are darling!

AND, oh... i don't know when the next time i will be in utah! SOO sad! i miss you! i miss the ranch! i miss everyone! so sad! you are so sweet!