We are now here. I will be posting daily videos, blogs, product reviews, and other healthy info. Please add me to your reader, twitter, etc, if you'd like to keep up with all the healthy goodness. Thanks! :) New Blog: www.healthgirltv.com Twitter: @HilaryFleming Youtube: HealthGirlTV
A few weeks back we stopped by this farmer's market Mecca. Its really a treasure Trove for any health nut. So many fabulous things. I could have stayed their all day. Isn't this truck awesome.
Hey beauties!! So lately I have been obsessed with the cookbook, "Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone" by Deborah Madison. I found a nice little recipe that I thought would be worth sharing...the red text is what I modified.
On Saturday, I stopped by the farmers market and picked up some really beautiful beets, greens and all. So this was the recipe that jumped out at me. Of course, I modified it.
Greens with Potatoes 4 boiling or Yellow Finn potatoes, about 1 pound I used sweet potatoes cut into rounds Salt 1 to 2 pounds greens, trimmed and coarsely chopped 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling 1 large garlic clove, thinly sliced 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes 2 tomatoes, if in season, peeled and diced. I used beets.
Cover potatoes with cold water, add salt to taste, and bring to a boil. Cook until tender, about 25 minutes. Drain, then peel and coarsely chop. I peeled and chopped the beets and sweet potatoes, drizzled with olive oil and sea salt and roasted for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, simmer the greens in a large skillet, until tender, then drain. You may need to do this in two batches. Return the skillet to the stove, add the oil, and heat with the garlic and pepper flakes. When you can smell the garlic, add the greens, potatoes, and tomatoes. I folded in the roasted beets and sweet potatoes here. Cook over medium heat, breaking up the potatoes (don't do this if you are using the roasted sweet potatoes) with a fork and mashing them into the greens to make a kind of rough hash. Taste for salt and serve with olive oil drizzled over the top.
I thought it was absolutely fabulous. Plus, how gorgeous are the beets and sweet potatoes?!? A great side dish. Doesn't keep too well as leftovers so just make enough for you and your family/guests to eat at one sitting. :) Hope you like it!
I really love Spring. I know that it is the end of February, but in California, it's Spring. Sure the state is bankrupt, there are high taxes, and tons of regulations but sunshine and early spring are some of the many reasons I love living here. This is a picture the hubby took when we were on a walk near our home. Looks like snow, but they are blossoms. :)
Nothing like getting a little fresh air to clear the mind. Goal for this week: Take a second to stop and smell the roses...and if you happen to be living on the East Coast in Snowmaggedon, drop by a flower shop and remind yourself that Spring is just another 21 days away.
I am on a nutrition rampage and going more granola by the second...
But seriously--I am seeing own well-being and energy increase, sleeping like the dead at night, and not struggling with anxiety constantly. All this from eating great food, and discovering a great new way to live life less stressfully. I have called a bunch of my friends who have expressed interest in what I am up to, so rather than continuing to send mass emails...just come here and this is where all the info starts...
I want to create a place for everyone to be able to share their own health ideas, tips, and wellness information. I am focusing on all things green and healthy. From food to skin care, from the environment to make-up. All ideas welcome! I am going to start with compiling a nice little link list.
My way certainly isn't the only way, so send me what has worked for you so we can share the info here. If you have ideas then please send me your favorite recipes, websites, etc and I will create an entry on my blog for you!
Use: Ghee Unrefined Coconut Oil (looks hard but softens when cooked) Unrefined Olive Oil Grapeseed Oil Flaxseed Oil (only in Salad dressings and smoothies)
Instead of: Sugar Brown Sugar Honey Nutrasweet Splenda
Use: Stevia (powder and drops) Xylitol Lakanto Agave Nectar
Instead of: Wheat Flour White Flour "Whole Grain" Flour Rice Wheat Pasta Oats Breakfast cereals
I am not a Doctor or Nutritionist. I am just a health food junkie and giving my tips for benefit of consumers who want an unbiased opinion. I don't sell any health products and I am not giving anyone medical advice. Please consult your Health Care Professional for medical advice.